Stevens Auction Company
To be auctioned
April 6, 2019
page 11 of 39
084a - 19th Cent...
084b - 19th Cent...
084c - 19th Cent...
084d - 19th Cent...
084f - 19th Cent...
084g - 19th Cent...
084h - 19th Cent...
084i - 19th Cent...
085a - Aesthetic...
085b - Aesthetic...
085c - Aesthetic...
085d - Aesthetic...
085e - Aesthetic...
085f - Aesthetic...
085g - Aesthetic...
086a - Very rare...
087a - 18th Cent...
087b - 18th Cent...
087c - 18th Cent...
087d - 18th Cent...
087e - 18th Cent...
087f - 18th Cent...
087g - 18th Cent...
089a - Monumenta...
089b - Monumenta...
089c - Monumenta...
089d - Monumenta...
089e - Monumenta...
089f - Monumenta...
089g - Monumenta...
090a - Pair gold...
090b - Pair gold...
090c - Pair gold...
090d - Pair gold...
090e - Pair gold...
091a - Oak curve...
091b - Oak curve...
091c - Oak curve...
091d - Oak curve...
091e - Oak curve...