Stevens Auction Company
To be auctioned
April 6, 2019

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022d 023 023a 023b
022d - Very larg... 023 14K Gold 7 i... 023a 14K Gold 7 ... 023b 14K Gold 7 ...
023c 024 025a 025b
023c 14K Gold 7 ... 024 - Large Earl... 025a - Large bra... 025b - Large bra...
025c 026a 026b 026c
025c - Large bra... 026a - 19th Cent... 026b - 19th Cent... 026c - 19th Cent...
026d 026e 027a 027b
026d - 19th Cent... 026e - 19th Cent... 027a - Hungarian... 027b - Hungarian...
027c 027d 027e 027f
027c - Hungarian... 027d - Hungarian... 027e - Hungarian... 027f - Hungarian...
027g 028a 028b 028c
027g - Hungarian... 028a - Mahogany ... 028b - Mahogany ... 028c - Mahogany ...
029a 029b 029c 029d
029a - Outstandi... 029b - Outstandi... 029c - Outstandi... 029d - Outstandi...
029e 029f 029g 030a
029e - Outstandi... 029f - Outstandi... 029g - Outstandi... 030a - Flame mah...
030b 030c 030d 030e-
030b - Flame mah... 030c - Flame mah... 030d - Flame mah... 030e- Flame maho...
032a 032b 032c 032d
032a - Very larg... 032b - Very larg... 032c - Very larg... 032d - Very larg...
Stevens Auction Company
To be auctioned
April 6, 2019

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