Stevens Auction Company
To be auctioned
June 7, 2019

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214c 214d 215a 215b
214c - Porcelain... 214d - Porcelain... 215a - Green Vic... 215b - Green Vic...
216a 216b 217a 217b
216a - Pair gold... 216b - Pair gold... 217a - Eastlake ... 217b - Eastlake ...
217b- 217c 218a 219a
217b- 2 cobalt b... 217c - Eastlake ... 218a - Contempor... 219a - Old oil ...
219b 220a 220b 221a
219b - Old oil ... 220a - Mahogany ... 220b - Mahogany ... 221a - Walnut Vi...
221b 222a 222b 222c
221b - Walnut Vi... 222a - Chafuffle... 222b - Chafuffle... 222c - Chaffier ...
224a 224b 224c 225a
224a - Unique As... 224b - Unique As... 224c - Unique As... 225a - Contempor...
225b 226a 226b 226c
225b - Contempor... 226a - Pair of s... 226b - Pair of s... 226c - Pair of s...
227a 228a 228b 228c
227a - Mahogany ... 228a - Pair of E... 228b - Pair of E... 228c - Pair of E...
229a 229b 230a 230b
229a - Small wal... 229b - Small wal... 230a - Gold Gild... 230b - Gold Gild...
231a 232a 232b 233a
231a - Mahogany ... 232a - Victorian... 232b - Victorian... 233a - Mahogany ...
Stevens Auction Company
To be auctioned
June 7, 2019

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