Stevens Auction Company
To be auctioned
June 7, 2019

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306b 307a 307b 307c
306b - Small Vic... 307a - Pair of h... 307b - Pair of h... 307c - Pair of h...
308a 308b 308c 309a
308a - Pair of s... 308b - Pair of s... 308c - Pair of s... 309a - Pair of e...
309b 310a 310b 310c
309b - Pair of e... 310a - Single cr... 310b - Single cr... 310c - Single cr...
311a 312a 313a 314a
311a - Single Vi... 312a - Cut glass... 313a - Queen Ann... 314a - Unique oa...
314b 315a 316a 316b
314b - Unique oa... 315a - Old brass... 316a - Pair of s... 316b - Pair of s...
317a 317b 318a 318b
317a - Mahogany ... 317b - Mahogany ... 318a - Tall back... 318b - Tall back...
318c 319a 320a 320b
318c - Tall back... 319a - Tall maro... 320a - Pair of V... 320b - Pair of V...
321a 321b 322a 323a
321a - Pair blue... 321b - Pair blue... 322a - 8 piece c... 323a - Ingraham ...
324a 324b 324c 325a
324a - Rare pair... 324b - Rare pair... 324c - Rare pair... 325a - Pair of 2...
326a 326b 327a 327b
326a - Pair of L... 326b - Pair of L... 327a - Pair of b... 327b - Pair of b...
Stevens Auction Company
To be auctioned
June 7, 2019

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