Stevens Auction Company
To be auctioned
June 7, 2019

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360c 361a 361b 362a
360c - 3 pieces ... 361a - Victorian... 361b - Victorian... 362a - 10 piece ...
362b 362c 363a 363b
362b - 10 piece ... 362c - 10 piece ... 363a - 15 piece ... 363b - 15 piece ...
363c 364a 364b 364c
363c - 15 piece ... 364a - 7 pieces,... 364b - 7 pieces,... 364c - 7 pieces,...
365a 365b 365c 366a
365a - 4 piece c... 365b - 4 piece c... 365c - 4 piece c... 366a - 10 piece ...
366b 367a 367b 367c
366b - 10 piece ... 367a - Pair of s... 367b - Pair of s... 367c - Pair of s...
368a 368b 368c 369a
368a - 10 pieces... 368b - 10 pieces... 368c - 10 pieces... 369a - 4 pieces ...
370a 370b 370c 371a
370a - 3 very he... 370b - 3 very he... 370c - 3 very he... 371a - 22 pieces...
371b 371c 371d 372a
371b - 22 pieces... 371c - 22 pieces... 371d - 22 pieces... 372a - 2 partial...
372b 372c 373a 373b
372b - 2 partial... 372c - 2 partial... 373a - 87 piece ... 373b - 87 piece ...
373c 374a 374b 374c
373c - 87 piece ... 374a - Pair bron... 374b - Pair bron... 374c - Pair bron...
Stevens Auction Company
To be auctioned
June 7, 2019

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