Stevens Auction Company
To be auctioned
June 7, 2019

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100d 100e 100f 101a
100d - Concrete ... 100e - Concrete ... 100f - Concrete ... 101a - 2 piece c...
101b 102a 102b 102c
101b - 2 piece c... 102a - Pair of c... 102b - Pair of c... 102c - Pair of c...
103a 103b 103c 104a
103a - Old large... 103b - Old large... 103c - Old large... 104a - Life-size...
104b 104c 104d 104e
104b - Life-size... 104c - Life-size... 104d - Life-size... 104e - Life-size...
104f 105a 105b 105c
104f - Life-size... 105a - Pair high... 105b - Pair high... 105c - Pair high...
105d 106a 106b 106c
105d - Pair high... 106a - Cast iron... 106b - Cast iron... 106c - Cast iron...
107a 107b 107c 107d
107a - Life size... 107b - Life size... 107c - Life size... 107d - Life size...
107e 107f 108a 108b
107e - Life size... 107f - Life size... 108a - Two tier ... 108b - Two tier ...
109a 109b 110a 110b
109a - 4 piece s... 109b - 4 piece s... 110a - Old Cast ... 110b - Old Cast ...
110c 110d 110e 110f
110c - Old Cast ... 110d - Old Cast ... 110e - Old Cast ... 110f - Old Cast ...
Stevens Auction Company
To be auctioned
June 7, 2019

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